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Re: RMS: Love Him or Hate Him

__/ [ asj ] on Saturday 01 July 2006 23:09 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Great Man Series: The most hated man in cyberspace
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | To those who believe in a proprietary model, moreover, Stallman is
>> | Satan himself. They consider him the enemy of profit, the job-destroyer.
>> | They contrast him with contemporaries Steve Jobs and Bill Gates asking,
>> | what have you done for your economy, your country? You?re destroying it.
>> |
>> | It's true that free software kills some jobs. It kills marketing jobs.
>> | It also cuts profits. Most open source companies I cover consist of
>> | programmers, support people, executives and Web folks. Marketing is
>> | often an afterthought.
>> |
>> | [...]
>> |
>> | This business movement, which Stallman grandfathered, has done to
>> | software what Moore's Law did to hardware. It has pushed prices to the
>> | floor. It has brought thousands of new programmers, and millions of
>> | new users, to the Internet.
>> |
>> | This has always been Stallman's goal. His only goal. And he has taken
>> | it, all the criticism, all the jibes, because he believes in what he's
>> | doing.
>> `----
>>                 http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=682
> as i said i have yet to see the benefits to developers of commoditizing
> software.

IMO, there is no other way. As long as you permit people (some would call
them geeks) to code for recognition -- something which goes back to the days
of Apache and much further back -- people will receive the choice to rely on
inexpensive duplication of effort. Any attempt to rob people from this
freedom is an organised crime of software capitalism. It emerges in the form
of IP, DRM, FUD, and legistlation.

> * posted while eating tacos in my car  at a taco bell in milltown nj.
> Have you tried  www.widsets.com yet?

Careful with all the crumbs. *smile*

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Black holes are where God is divided by zero"
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