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Re: Google images generate a lot of traffic is there a way to get to the top?

__/ [ canadafred ] on Sunday 02 July 2006 12:37 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ markbiernat@xxxxxxxxx ] on Sunday 02 July 2006 10:01 \__
>> > I have noticed that google image search generates a lot ot traffic,
>> > even more than 6 months ago for my sites,  sometimes more than yahoo or
>> > msn normal text searches.  Is there a way to get your images to the
>> > top/first page of google images seach? Thank you
>> > Mark
>> From some mere experience, it helps if you use the alt attribute to
>> describe the image in a form that less ambiguous than a caption (and its
>> location, unless you use Web standard). Other than that, the amount of
>> images and their files names matter. Use hyphens and include descriptive
>> words in the image filenames. I have actually had a decrease in referrals
>> from Google Images recently. Last months it comfortably exceeded 1000 a
>> day.

One of many typos. Oopsie.

> That pretty well covers it. Play around with the alt attribute and
> remember that logical naming conventions apply.
> Just some additional observations :
> I noticed that if there is content within the same web page that
> supports the image's keyphrase then the image seems to get a relevancy
> boost.
> I sometimes wonder whether having links to images increases the image's
> postions in the image SERPs. I haven't found a need to experiment with
> that yet.

It definitely helps. Anchor text in images is the reason my name somehow got
associated with a guy lifting a bounder (due to a single time that I linked
to that image before my full name appeared). Moreover, I used to have many
hit from Google Images with the phrase 'little sister'. The image filename
did not contain the phrase, but the link that pointed it had the anchor text
'little sister'.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz 
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