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Re: [News] How Do Different Operating Systems Treat the CPU?

__/ [ Johan Lindquist ] on Friday 07 July 2006 15:31 \__

> So anyway, it was like, 16:23 CEST Jul 07 2006, you know? Oh, and, yeah,
> Roy Schestowitz was all like, "Dude,
>> __/ [ Peter Jensen ] on Friday 07 July 2006 15:16 \__
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> Emacs is an operating system, too. Or so they say...
>>> I'm fairly sure that booting the kernel with init=/usr/bin/emacs
>>> would work (FSVO work). The sanity of doing so, I would however
>>> question. Emacs may be a fairly good OS, but it could use an editor
>>> that doesn't suck!
>> You probably already know this, but I was referring to a common
>> joke. [..]
> The "could use an editor that doesn't suck" comment means that mr.
> Jensen is, if not five pages ahead, at least on the same one as you.

I was more concerned about Scott and Bear because there was nothing there to
indicate that the joke was alrady known. Peter's answer contained some

I wonder how an IRC channels (e.g. mIRC) can ever be seen as a useful O/S, or 
even a main function of an appliance. I know that the wii will have an IM
client called !!m. That's "wii" upside down and also stands for instant
messenger. Cute. But it'll offer some other polygonal junk. Big-budget games
with innovation value of zero.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useless fact: A dragonfly only lives for one day
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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