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Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 10 Jul 2006

  • Subject: Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 10 Jul 2006
  • From: Black Dragon <stats.cola@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 22:54:15 -0400 (EDT)
  • Expires: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 22:54:15 -0400
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Black Dragon Heavy Industries
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1127004

o  This automated posting occurs weekly on Monday.

o  The subject line will be formatted consistently, as follows:
   "Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 01 Jan 1970"
   Substituting the date the statistics were generated.
   Add it to your kill file if you are not interested.

o  Following are two summaries spanning 7 days and 30 days 

o  Times are EST.

o  An archive of summaries is available at:

Summary of articles spanning a 7 day period.

                Analysis of posts to comp.os.linux.advocacy
               (stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 1,947 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Jul  2 22:55:48 2006
Latest article:   Sun Jul  9 22:50:05 2006
Original articles: 302, replies: 1,645
Total size of posts: 5,203,443 bytes (5,081K) (4.96M)
Average 278 articles per day, 0.71 MB per day, 2,672 bytes per article
Total headers: 2,544 KB  bodies: 2,536 KB
Body text - quoted: 1,222 KB,  original: 1,126 KB = 47.98%, sigs: 181 KB
Total number of posters: 199, average 26,147 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 406, average 12,816 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 39

                    Top 20 posters by number of articles
 1: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... :    351
 2: Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>..................................... :     90
 3: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. :     82
 4: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>........................................ :     65
 5: Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ :     65
 6: B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. :     62
 7: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... :     61
 8: John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>................................ :     48
 9: "nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.... :     48
10: mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....................................... :     48
11: Sinister Midget <phydeaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>...................... :     44
12: Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... :     41
13: hanumizzle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :     36
14: spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :     33
15: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>........................ :     30
16: Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... :     29
17: Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................. :     27
18: "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx>....................................... :     27
19: BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. :     24
20: Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... :     23

                  Top 20 posters by article size in Kbytes
 1: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... :    772
 2: mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....................................... :    237
 3: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... :    224
 4: Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>..................................... :    223
 5: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. :    210
 6: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>........................................ :    189
 7: Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ :    187
 8: Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... :    119
 9: "Rex Ballard" <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>.......................... :    119
10: hanumizzle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :    117
11: Sinister Midget <phydeaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>...................... :    103
12: B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. :    103
13: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>........................ :     95
14: John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>................................ :     94
15: "nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.... :     85
16: spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :     81
17: BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. :     69
18: Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................. :     66
19: Peter =?UTF-8?B?S8O2aGxtYW5u?= <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>... :     64
20: Otis Bricker <obricker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................ :     60

               Top 20 responders by original text (> 5 posts)
 1: "mega@xxxxxxxx" <mega@xxxxxxxx>................................ : 98.22%
 2: "nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.... : 92.95%
 3: "Rex Ballard" <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>.......................... : 84.61%
 4: rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roy Culley)................................. : 77.72%
 5: thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 74.11%
 6: Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... : 73.89%
 7: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>........................ : 70.96%
 8: Ian Hilliard <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>......................... : 70.14%
 9: "ivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............ : 67.97%
10: BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. : 67.05%
11: Peter Jensen <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... : 66.65%
12: flatfish <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. : 64.39%
13: "Mathew P." <Mathew@xxxxxxxx>.................................. : 63.40%
14: "asj" <kalim1998@xxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 63.08%
15: arachnid <nospam@xxxxxxxxxx>................................... : 62.71%
16: John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>................................ : 62.12%
17: Ruel Smith <NoWay@xxxxxxxxxxx>................................. : 61.91%
18: alt <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 60.19%
19: Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... : 59.81%
20: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... : 58.47%

             Bottom 20 responders by original text  (> 5 posts)
 1: "Chris Clement" <chris.clement@xxxxxxx>........................ : 5.68%
 2: Rick <trollfeed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. : 10.89%
 3: GreyCloud <mist@xxxxxxxxxxx>................................... : 13.76%
 4: OK <otto@xxxxxxxxx>............................................ : 15.64%
 5: rfischer@xxxxxxxxx (Ray Fischer)............................... : 22.40%
 6: "Jasper Towing & Dragging, LLCC" <jastowdrag@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.. : 23.30%
 7: Handover Phist <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................. : 23.50%
 8: Scott W <d38dm8nw81k1ng@xxxxxxxxx>............................. : 24.45%
 9: "Chirag Shukla" <chiragshuklaindia@xxxxxxxxx>.................. : 24.61%
10: Gordon <gordon.burgessparker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... : 27.53%
11: 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>..................... : 29.54%
12: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. : 29.65%
13: dsteel0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 29.96%
14: "Paul Hovnanian P.E." <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>..................... : 30.20%
15: mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....................................... : 30.23%
16: Jamie Hart <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>............................... : 30.75%
17: Peter =?UTF-8?B?S8O2aGxtYW5u?= <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>... : 30.85%
18: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................. : 30.94%
19: Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 31.16%
20: Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................ : 33.32%

                     Top 20 threads by no. of articles
 1: Why does anyone still use PHP?................................. :    166
 2: Corey Doctorow dumps OSX for Ubuntu............................ :     69
 3: Rex Ballard: I advised Yahoo, Amazon and Lycos how to "take it  :     62
 4: Linux security flaws - Crapware OS lets Opensuse site get hacke :     47
 5: [News] Intel Core Dou - Linux Benchmarks....................... :     47
 6: [News] How Do Different Operating Systems Treat the CPU?....... :     40
 7: Fox News Proposes Office of Censorship......................... :     40
 8: Linux lack decent programming tools............................ :     33
 9: Linux website hacked - see it now.............................. :     31
10: DFS you can still make a living when SLED conquers............. :     30
11: Microsoft: Learn to love software licences..................... :     26
12: [News] Red Hat CEO on Linux as U.S. Standard................... :     25
13: NEWS://Microsoft Bullies Beat Up Toronto Teacher; Trash His Lab :     25
14: Massachusetts' ODF Move "Irreversible"......................... :     25
15: Linux Format magazine recomments Windows XP Pro................ :     24
16: Can SUSE Linux take on Vista? - You bet........................ :     21
17: I am happy with Linux, but my curiousity got the better of me.. :     18
18: Homos and Niggers Flock To Linux!!!!!.......................... :     17
19: What Hinders Linux Adoption.................................... :     16
20: bye bye Sky Digital............................................ :     15

                        Top 20 threads by size in KB
 1: Why does anyone still use PHP?................................. :    672
 2: Corey Doctorow dumps OSX for Ubuntu............................ :    202
 3: Rex Ballard: I advised Yahoo, Amazon and Lycos how to "take it  :    187
 4: [News] Intel Core Dou - Linux Benchmarks....................... :    137
 5: Fox News Proposes Office of Censorship......................... :    128
 6: Linux security flaws - Crapware OS lets Opensuse site get hacke :    119
 7: [News] How Do Different Operating Systems Treat the CPU?....... :     98
 8: [News] Red Hat CEO on Linux as U.S. Standard................... :     79
 9: DFS you can still make a living when SLED conquers............. :     77
10: Massachusetts' ODF Move "Irreversible"......................... :     76
11: Linux website hacked - see it now.............................. :     73
12: Linux lack decent programming tools............................ :     70
13: Can SUSE Linux take on Vista? - You bet........................ :     66
14: NEWS://Microsoft Bullies Beat Up Toronto Teacher; Trash His Lab :     63
15: How To Celebrate July 4th Weekend.............................. :     58
16: Programmers, Programmers, Programmers, ........................ :     54
17: Linux Format magazine recomments Windows XP Pro................ :     54
18: What Hinders Linux Adoption.................................... :     53
19: Microsoft: Learn to love software licences..................... :     50
20: I am happy with Linux, but my curiousity got the better of me.. :     43

                         Top 20 cross-posted groups
 1: comp.sys.mac.advocacy.......................................... :    123
 2: comp.lang.java.advocacy........................................ :     72
 3: alt.politics.libertarian....................................... :     57
 4: talk.politics.guns............................................. :     57
 5: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh.......................................... :     57
 6: alt.politics.usa.republican.................................... :     57
 7: alt.abortion................................................... :     53
 8: alt.world...................................................... :     53
 9: alt.atheism.................................................... :     53
10: soc.culture.african.american................................... :     21
11: alt.politics.nationalism.white................................. :     21
12: comp.os.linux.misc............................................. :     15
13: alt.video.dvd.................................................. :     13
14: alt.flame.niggers.............................................. :     10
15: rec.audio.pro.................................................. :      7
16: sci.physics.................................................... :      6
17: comp.programming............................................... :      5
18: alt.os.windows-xp.............................................. :      4
19: comp.lang.c.................................................... :      4
20: sci.physics.relativity......................................... :      4

                        Top 20 User Agents by poster
 1: G2............................................................. :     42
 2: KNode.......................................................... :     24
 3: Outlook Express................................................ :     17
 4: slrn........................................................... :     17
 5: Pan............................................................ :     16
 6: Forte Agent.................................................... :     14
 7: Mozilla........................................................ :     13
 8: X.............................................................. :     10
 9: Unknown........................................................ :      7
10: Gnus........................................................... :      6
11: Thunderbird (X11....................................... :      5
12: Xnews.......................................................... :      5
13: Thunderbird (Windows................................... :      3
14: tin............................................................ :      3
15: MacSOUP........................................................ :      2
16: Unison......................................................... :      2
17: MicroPlanet-Gravity............................................ :      2
18: knews 1.0b.1................................................... :      1
19: MR............................................................. :      1
20: Hogwasher...................................................... :      1

                   Top 20 User Agents by number of posts
 1: KNode..................................................... :   576 (30%)
 2: slrn...................................................... :   377 (19%)
 3: G2........................................................ :   240 (12%)
 4: Mozilla................................................... :   144 ( 7%)
 5: Pan....................................................... :   129 ( 7%)
 6: Outlook Express........................................... :   118 ( 6%)
 7: Forte Agent............................................... :    65 ( 3%)
 8: tin....................................................... :    43 ( 2%)
 9: Thunderbird (X11.................................. :    42 ( 2%)
10: Xnews..................................................... :    40 ( 2%)
11: MT-NewsWatcher............................................ :    35 ( 2%)
12: 40tude_Dialog............................................. :    27 ( 1%)
13: Thunderbird (Windows.............................. :    24 ( 1%)
14: Gnus...................................................... :    16 ( 1%)
15: knews 1.0b.1.............................................. :    16 ( 1%)
16: unknown................................................... :    15 ( 1%)
17: trn 4.0-test76 (Apr 2, 2001).............................. :     9 ( 0%)
18: Unison.................................................... :     7 ( 0%)
19: MacSOUP................................................... :     4 ( 0%)
20: Microsoft Entourage....................................... :     4 ( 0%)

                             Top 10 time zones
 1: +0100.......................................................... :    655
 2: UTC............................................................ :    408
 3: -0700.......................................................... :    355
 4: -0400.......................................................... :    212
 5: -0500.......................................................... :    183
 6: +0200.......................................................... :     80
 7: -0600.......................................................... :     25
 8: +1000.......................................................... :     12
 9: +0800.......................................................... :      8
10: +0900.......................................................... :      4


Summary of articles spanning a 30 day period.

Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 9514 messages written between 06/09/06 00:00:02 and 07/10/06 09:06:59

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Edwin <thorne25@xxxxxxxx>                                     3  93.41%
   2. Alan Baker <alangbaker@xxxxxxxxx>                             3  92.21%
   3. Chris Clement <chris.clement@xxxxxxx>                         9  92.19%
   4. BTR1701 <btr1702@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              12  90.63%
   5. George Graves <gmgraves@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          4  90.45%
   6. Ken from Chicago <kwicker1b_nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx>               6  88.73%
   7. net.nanny69@xxxxxxxxx                                         3  87.06%
   8. Markus Schoder <a3vr6dsg-usenet@xxxxxxxx>                     5  86.10%
   9. Clogwog <BWAHAHAHAAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        13  86.03%
  10. David Putty <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>                            10  84.64%
  11. Tony Sinclair <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>                           9  84.48%
  12. Peter Hayes <not_in_use@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       3  84.28%
  13. Bama Brian <bamaNOTbrian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       6  84.12%
  14. dead_man_walking <none@xxxxxxxxxxx>                           3  83.47%
  15. Meat Plow <meat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                               5  82.52%
  16. BC <callmebc@xxxxxxxxx>                                       4  82.42%
  17. OK <otto@xxxxxxxxx>                                          29  81.86%
  18. wei hung lo <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>                            12  81.71%
  19. Colin Day <cday3@xxxxxxxxx>                                  32  81.55%
  20. laura bush - VEHICULAR HOMICIDE <xeton2001@xxxxxxxxx>         3  81.07%
  21. GreyCloud <mist@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 51  80.83%
  22. Ram <ram0na@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                      6  79.41%
  23. ex.mackie.user@xxxxxxxxx                                      3  78.78%
  24. Bill <ws@xxxxxx>                                              3  78.02%
  25. Scott W <d38dm8nw81k1ng@xxxxxxxxx>                           47  77.75%
  26. Julie <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                    3  77.41%
  27. Aquila Deus <aquila.deus@xxxxxxxxx>                          10  77.02%
  28. Phil Da Lick! <phil_the_lick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    5  76.62%
  29. Rick <trollfeed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              129  76.06%
  30. Sean Inglis <seani@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             6  75.70%
  31. Ray Fischer <rfischer@xxxxxxxxx>                              9  75.17%
  32. The angry inch <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>                          9  75.13%
  33. Deuteros <deuteros@xxxxxxx>                                  16  74.52%
  34. NRen2k5 <nomore@xxxxxxxxx>                                    4  74.30%
  35. Laurence Payne <lpayne1NOSPAM@dslDOTpipexDOTcom>              3  73.97%
  36. TheLetterK <non@xxxxxxxx>                                    51  73.51%
  37. T Wake <Usenet.es7AT@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           7  73.25%
  38. dsteel0@xxxxxxxxxxx                                           8  72.89%
  39. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              116  72.63%
  40. Lars Träger <Lars.Traeger@xxxxxxxx>                           5  72.40%
  41. pcbutts1 <pcbutts1@xxxxxxxxxx>                                5  71.30%
  42. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                         23  71.18%
  43. shanejoel <sestes@xxxxxxxx>                                  21  70.90%
  44. Kleuskes & Moos <kleuske@xxxxxxxxx>                          10  70.29%
  45. Jerry McBride <mcbrides9@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        11  70.22%
  46. Timberwoof <timberwoof@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    8  69.84%
  47. mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                     76  69.55%
  48. Nick Keighley <nick_keighley_nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx>              3  69.11%
  49. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 162  68.69%
  50. Handover Phist <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                34  68.13%

A total of 12576434 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 6493335, or 51.63%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       1546  1649572   3.1%
   2. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                   351   581411  64.8%
   3. Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>                          327   280866  49.0%
   4. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  325   684887  45.9%
   5. Sinister Midget <sinister@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>            241   300071  46.5%
   6. Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      239   250221  51.8%
   7. tab <trentallenblack@xxxxxxxxx>                     223   266591  65.9%
   8. Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         221   191691  33.6%
   9. flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                215   221769  52.0%
  10. DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx>                               196   340505  51.4%
  11. John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>                     195   115577  35.6%
  12. Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 191   322827  64.5%
  13. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  167   230652  62.9%
  14. Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         164   198672  29.7%
  15. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         162   263846  68.7%
  16. spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                161   188782  59.9%
  17. Larry Qualig <lqualig@xxxxxxxxx>                    154   313330  63.4%
  18. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                              153   187730  37.8%
  19. billwg <billw@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          143   266772  60.9%
  20. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>             130   171739  28.3%
  21. Rick <trollfeed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      129   160405  76.1%
  22. Da'Punk-A <dapunka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  128   194379  56.5%
  23. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      116    57844  72.6%
  24. nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                         111    70155   4.4%
  25. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      102   218425  38.1%
  26. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>                 100   419655  17.1%
  27. B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        99    86259  39.7%
  28. Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>         95   111538  64.0%
  29. Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       87   158645  23.3%
  30. JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        84   117067  49.7%
  31. Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx>                  78   127612  57.5%
  32. mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             76   180498  69.6%
  33. asj <kalim1998@xxxxxxxxx>                            74    71836  40.8%
  34. Jamie Hart <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                     67   114729  63.5%
  35. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           63    87123  57.6%
  36. Ruel Smith <NoWay@xxxxxxxxxxx>                       61    58184  38.7%
  37. High Plains Thumper <hpt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    60    87743  59.9%
  38. hanumizzle@xxxxxxxxx                                 57    76034  56.5%
  39. TheLetterK <non@xxxxxxxx>                            51    68941  73.5%
  40. GreyCloud <mist@xxxxxxxxxxx>                         51    60129  80.8%
  41. Michael B. Trausch <michael.trausch.no.spam@comcas   49   147008  31.7%
  42. Mathew P. <Mathew@xxxxxxxx>                          49   119830  34.3%
  43. Chirag Shukla <chiragshuklaindia@xxxxxxxxx>          48    80825  67.9%
  44. Scott W <d38dm8nw81k1ng@xxxxxxxxx>                   47    45083  77.7%
  45. Peter Jensen <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          44    62852  29.4%
  46. Gordon <gordon.burgessparker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     44    28040  52.2%
  47. Paul Hovnanian P.E. <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>             43    55859  60.8%
  48. Brad <brad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           43    42603  48.7%
  49. Stephen Fairchild <somebody@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>           41    29573  61.9%
  50. arachnid <none@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    40    43761  39.1%

A total of 450 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>        348067 /  100 =  3480  17.1%
   2. secretary@xxxxxxxx                          16787 /    5 =  3357    N/A
   3. mega@xxxxxxxx <mega@xxxxxxxx>               13042 /    5 =  2608   1.7%
   4. Douglas Berry <penguin_boy@mindOBVIOUSsprin  7308 /    3 =  2436  54.8%
   5. acctope@xxxxxxxxxxxx                        16128 /    7 =  2304    N/A
   6. Michael B. Trausch <michael.trausch.no.spam100342 /   49 =  2047  31.7%
   7. Byron A Jeff <byron@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>           5920 /    3 =  1973  36.7%
   8. Jeff?Relf <Jeff_Relf@xxxxxxxxx>              5708 /    3 =  1902    N/A
   9. Nick Keighley <nick_keighley_nospam@hotmail  5483 /    3 =  1827  69.1%
  10. Alexander Terekhov <terekhov@xxxxxx>        39976 /   22 =  1817  17.3%
  11. Black Dragon <bd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            63232 /   35 =  1806  22.9%
  12. Tor Iver Wilhelmsen <jadedgamer@xxxxxxxxxxx 10434 /    6 =  1739  36.6%
  13. unionpenny@xxxxxxxxx                        11633 /    7 =  1661  50.8%
  14. Mathew P. <Mathew@xxxxxxxx>                 78688 /   49 =  1605  34.3%
  15. Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>             121758 /   87 =  1399  23.3%
  16. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>             135259 /  102 =  1326  38.1%
  17. Lee Sau Dan <danlee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 15909 /   12 =  1325   6.5%
  18. Skeets <skillet3232@xxxxxxxxx>              10577 /    8 =  1322  33.3%
  19. Cyberwasteland <brainfamine@xxxxxxxxx>      17597 /   14 =  1256  35.0%
  20. Karen Hill <karen_hill22@xxxxxxxxx>          5014 /    4 =  1253  17.2%
  21. Bob Hauck <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 27995 /   23 =  1217  27.0%
  22. John Hastings <jh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            4692 /    4 =  1173   8.9%
  23. OLDDINO <Vince.Porch@xxxxxxxxxxx>            7037 /    6 =  1172   7.2%
  24. Tarquin Mills <person@xxxxxxx>               5779 /    5 =  1155  37.4%
  25. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /  325 =  1139  45.9%
  26. darwinist <darwinist@xxxxxxxxx>             10156 /    9 =  1128  55.9%
  27. Jeroen Wenting <jwenting at hornet dot demo  3350 /    3 =  1116  41.9%
  28. Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>        13329 /   12 =  1110  35.2%
  29. SDB <EssDeebiggs@xxxxxxxxxxx>                5208 /    5 =  1041  11.0%
  30. Otis Bricker <obricker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     17517 /   17 =  1030  53.7%
  31. Peter Jensen <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 44400 /   44 =  1009  29.4%
  32. John M Ward <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            2907 /    3 =   969  42.2%
  33. linonut@xxxxxxxxx                            3861 /    4 =   965  31.0%
  34. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>    123061 /  130 =   946  28.3%
  35. Derek Janssen <ejanss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    4405 /    5 =   881  41.8%
  36. doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                   5263 /    6 =   877   7.8%
  37. Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>139641 /  164 =   851  29.7%
  38. David Kastrup <dak@xxxxxxx>                 11060 /   13 =   850  48.9%
  39. DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx>                      165619 /  196 =   844  51.4%
  40. Oliver Wong <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          16215 /   21 =   772  57.1%
  41. Kristen <kristen4_spammeno_music@xxxxxxxxx>  6170 /    8 =   771  60.2%
  42. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                     116764 /  153 =   763  37.8%
  43. linuxiac <linuxiac@xxxxxxxxx>                8361 /   11 =   760  53.5%
  44. peterwn <peterwn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            8314 /   11 =   755  33.0%
  45. Larry Qualig <lqualig@xxxxxxxxx>           114530 /  154 =   743  63.4%
  46. samir.ribic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                2938 /    4 =   734  46.5%
  47. Chris Wilkinson <blobster@xxxxxxxxxxx>       8030 /   11 =   730  48.7%
  48. billwg <billw@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 104355 /  143 =   729  60.9%
  49. mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    54960 /   76 =   723  69.6%
  50. Snit <SNIT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             5022 /    7 =   717  42.5%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. Why does anyone still use PHP?                              185  387199
   2. Can SUSE Linux take on Vista? - You bet.                    172  348634
   3. Rex Ballard: I helped write the actual words of the GPL     119  290340
   4. Pirate?! WTF?!                                              119  155095
   5. Let's have a GPL vs BSD debate                              117  180325
   6. [News] WinFS Dies (And Yet ANOTHER Feature Conceded)         80  129100
   7. TAB almost getting fired....                                 79  109901
   8. Should I go Mac or PC?. Neither!!                            78  107321
   9. See *The COLA Gang* Spring Into Action!!                     77   80734
  10. [News] Why Has Linux Not Conquered the Desktop, Yet?         72  112889
  11. Another Windows "criminal" forced to switch to Linux         67  110328
  12. Corey Doctorow dumps OSX for Ubuntu                          66   98992
  13. "linux pro audio" an oxymoron                                64   87678
  14. Rex Ballard: I advised Yahoo, Amazon and Lycos how to "ta    62   98195
  15. [News] Intel Core Dou - Linux Benchmarks                     61   82415
  16. MS gets it right?                                            60  135121
  17. Slow Sales (Re: Bye Bye Toshiba: Samsung Ships the First     59   48572
  18. How easy is this under Windows?                              56   72162
  19. Roy Schestowitz - Pirate                                     55   65017
  20. E.U. Revises Scale of Anti-Trust Fines                       47  107652
  21. Dell: Linux an Industry Standard                             47   72115
  22. Linux security flaws - Crapware OS lets Opensuse site get    47   56303
  23. What kills linux....                                         44  100764
  24. PCLinuxOS?                                                   44   47438
  25. New York Times -- No Linux??                                 44   41820
  26. What Dell REALLY thinks of Linux.                            43   49690
  27. Linux is horrible.                                           42   79963
  28. SQL Server beats the hell out of MySQL                       42   71978
  29. [News] Red Hat CEO on Linux as U.S. Standard                 42   66082
  30. [News] Mobile Linux: Killer O/S in the Making                42   35806
  31. what linux needs                                             41   79399
  32. "GPL requirement could have a chilling effect on derivati    41   72792
  33. Fox News Proposes Office of Censorship                       40   76215
  34. Abuse report filed for excessive spamming.                   40   50634
  35. [News] How Do Different Operating Systems Treat the CPU?     40   49131
  36. Hasta la Vista, Bill Gates!!                                 40   33633
  37. Airport Security Faster *Without* ID                         38   92865
  38. European Commission on illegal forced sale of Microsoft O    37   66578
  39. Bloody Hell                                                  36   55999
  40. Java installation sucks on Linux compared to Windows         36   52575
  41. FORKING SHAT!!! linux too stupid for wireless                36   42867
  42. Computer Science as a Hard Science                           35   70311
  43. Third International Anti-Wintel Day                          35   48772
  44. I am happy with Linux, but my curiousity got the better o    35   38866
  45. A Cacophony of linuxes                                       34   72469
  46. Linux, making life easy                                      34   47647
  47. LINUX Is not freaking stable                                 34   30305
  48. [News] Windows Delays are a Visaster (sic)                   33   46293
  49. Microsoft Has to Change (Cringely)                           33   38146
  50. Linux lack decent programming tools                          32   26621

A total of 1723 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. KNode                                2436
   2. slrn                                 2048
   3. G2                                   1331
   4. Pan                                   971
   5. Microsoft Outlook Express             483
   6. Thunderbird                   285
   7. 40tude_Dialog                         265
   8. Forte Agent                           251
   9. tin                                   194
  10. Mozilla                               174
  11. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0               154
  12. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6             108
  13. Xnews                                 104
  14. knews                                  88
  15. MT-NewsWatcher                         81
  16. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.8              40
  17. Thunderbird                    39
  18. Gnus                                   38
  19. Thunderbird 1.5                        35
  20. MR                                     32
  21. Microhard Lookout Expresstrain         19
  22. Pan; Linux kernel 2.6 on     14
  23. Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8                11
  24. Microsoft-Entourage                    10
  25. Messenger-Pro                          10
  26. Pluto                                   9
  27. trn 4.0-test76                          9
  28. MicroPlanet-Gravity                     8
  29. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English         7
  30. Unison                                  7
  31. pan 0.101                               6
  32. WinVN 0.99.9                            6
  33. MacSOUP                                 5
  34. Thoth                                   5
  35. Forte Free Agent                        5
  36. Pan Sun                        5
  37. Forte Agent 3.3/32.846                  3
  38. Opera M2/8.52                           3
  39. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6-7.6.20060     3
  40. X                                       3
  41. MacSOUP/2.7 (Mac OS X                   3
  42. Hogwasher                               2
  43. Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 Englis     2
  44. Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7+                2
  45. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7               2
  46. News Xpress                             2
  47. pan 0.99                                1
  48. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.5               1
  49. MesNews                                 1
  50. http:                                   1

A total of 60 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday     1114 ****************************************
Tuesday    1501 ******************************************************
Wednesday  1665 ************************************************************
Thursday   1525 ******************************************************
Friday     1551 *******************************************************
Saturday   1209 *******************************************
Sunday      949 **********************************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059   331 *********************************
0100-0159   254 *************************
0200-0259   188 *******************
0300-0359   204 ********************
0400-0459   182 ******************
0500-0559   222 **********************
0600-0659   322 ********************************
0700-0759   415 ******************************************
0800-0859   470 ***********************************************
0900-0959   479 ************************************************
1000-1059   470 ***********************************************
1100-1159   469 ***********************************************
1200-1259   402 ****************************************
1300-1359   515 ****************************************************
1400-1459   591 ************************************************************
1500-1559   580 **********************************************************
1600-1659   545 *******************************************************
1700-1759   394 ****************************************
1800-1859   420 ******************************************
1900-1959   419 ******************************************
2000-2059   461 **********************************************
2100-2159   365 *************************************
2200-2259   399 ****************************************
2300-2359   417 ******************************************


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