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Re: Another Advantage of Open Source: Localisation

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> I am not sure what this intends to prove as this is nothing exceptional.

Yeah, but it's my project. :) I'm not really proving anything other
than that a mere eighteen year old can harness the power of inexpensive
FOSS technology to collaborate and share ideas with people all over the
world, in addition to building a solid foundation of career skills and
character traits.

http://www.myopensourcejobs.com <-- lots of Perl stuff there, salaries
ranging on average between 40-70K USD / year

> Considering language support that we see in SUSE Linux and Ubuntu (among
> others), the locale issue is pretty much solved. Moreover, one thing which
> Windows and OS X are unable to do is have different locales running
> simultaneously, in the same session. I can't remember where I saw the
> screenshot that illustrates this.

You just saw it. Most of the session is running with en_US, the
Cyrillic part of course running under ru_RU.KOI8-R.

(Disclaimer: I am neither Russian nor a Russian speaker; the
translation was written by someone else.)

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