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Re: Torvalds lambasts Free Software Foundation

  • Subject: Re: Torvalds lambasts Free Software Foundation
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 17:01:09 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / ISBE, Manchester University / ITS
  • References: <1154359043.205736.5420@m79g2000cwm.googlegroups.com> <9uk1q3-1pi.ln1@ellandroad.demon.co.uk>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Monday 31 July 2006 16:41 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Quote:
>> ---------------
>> Linux leader Linus Torvalds had some sharp words about the Free
>> Software Foundation its founder, Richard Stallman, and his
>> philosophical motivations....
>> Torvalds said he believes fear is the impetus behind the new GPL.
>> "Every single big and fundamental addition to the GPLv3 is about hate
>> and fear," he said. And it's a bad motivation, he argued: "No good code
>> ever comes out of people who do things because they are afraid, or
>> because they hate. Look at all the idiotic choices that Sun
>> (Microsystems) has made with respect to Java and other things. A lot of
>> them seem to be directly a result not of trying to do the right thing
>> to their customer, but because of fear and loathing of their
>> competition."
>> ---------------
>> End quote
>> http://news.com.com/2061-10795_3-6099985.html
> Did he have a bad day?
Must be relatively bad. That said, on less moderate occasions he might use
the phrase "interface Nazis". Can there be such as thing as "freedom
nat(/z)ionalism" or would be be an oxymoron?

Best wishes,


GNU/Linux is beautiful. < http://youtube.com/watch?v=lawkc3jH3ws >
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