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Re: [News] Nintendo Wii to Use GNU/Linux

__/ [ Hadron Quark ] on Monday 31 July 2006 12:34 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Monday 31 July 2006 12:00 \__
>>> begin  oe_protect.scr
>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> Joining the PlayStation 3...
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>| Obviously, you can hear that all this is very expensive to make and put
>>>>| in the console. How could Nintendo cut the cost? It's very simple.
>>>>| Simply Wii will have software based on a industry standard platform
>>>>| that's open source. Linux. You read that right. Wii will have Linux as
>>>>| operating system with proprietary GUI and applications based on
>>>>| commonly opens ource for Linux programs.
>>>> `----
>>>>         http://saruwatari-wii.blogspot.com/2006/07/software-in-wii.html
>>>>                 ( this source/blog is a Nintendo employee )
>>> Unfortunately, they don't seem to have understood how this works,
>>> observe:
>>> This probably make you all think of homebew and hacking and
>>> things like that, but the final system in closed and will allow
>>> only signed code etc and will be very secure, even though it's
>>> technically compatible with a world of already existing software.
>>> Hopefully they'll realise that having an open platform will open up all
>>> kinds of possibilities, in which case, we might even get one here.
>>> Keeping it closed is not too smart, I think.
>> I  believe  that  a(t least) reviewer has claimed  that  the
>> Nokia  770  -- that which you happen to own -- is  also  too
>> closed.  maybe you can challenge that statement. PlayStation
>> 3,  on  the  other hand, was said to  encourage  third-party
>> development  (and  hacking),  which can  contribute  to  the
>> environment  as much as you saw with Palm (behold the wealth
>> of  freeware  and  GPL'd  Palm software).  To  name  another
>> example,  the Zaurus is fairly open for all I know... but  I
>> don't  know  if they necessary benefit from  this  openness.
>> This can become confusing is you do not have some separation
>> between  the  crowd  (prospective  customer  base)  that  is
>> IT-savvy   and/or   adventurous   and   that   which   fears
>> extensibility   and   space  for  exploration   (e.g.   KDE,
>> PHP-Nuke).
> Roy, what setting have you used to make your posts align as they do?

It's  a  Perl script which is run from the shell. I have  it
assigned  to a keyboard shortcut so it extracts and  outputs
text  through Klipper. I used to hyphenate, but some  people
were not happy...

> Its
> very hard in the eye to have variable spacing just to align on the right
> column. English text is read from left to right and right column
> alignment is not a mist - its really ugly.

With respect, you fail to convince me that it's bad. Ugly is
not  distracting  and there is a merit to having text fit  a
fized-sixed  block.  Many Web sites, for example (let  alone
books),  justify. Books hyphenate too, but the issues emerge
when  one  wishes to quote (the line breaks in  E-mail/posts
introduce a similar problem).

Best wishes,


GNU/Linux is beautiful. < http://youtube.com/watch?v=lawkc3jH3ws >
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