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Re: E-Mail Cluster Bombs

On 2006-07-27, B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> On Thursday 27 July 2006 16:50 yttrx wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Ladies and gentleman, it's the puppet show. yttrx=flatfish nym, so don't
>>> be deceived.
>> Wow, you really are a complete moron of the highest fucking order, arent
>> you.
>> Request:
>> Everyone who likes Roy please stand up so I can fucking killfile the lot
>> of you goddamn retards.
> Oh - whoever or whatever you are, please killfile me - please, PLEASE!

I wouldn't care a bit if DOMINyttrx killfiled me. I already have a rule
to reciprocate (one that already existed).

Did I mention that I'm one of Roy's biggest supporters?

I'm using linux daily to up my productivity. So, up yours,

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