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Re: Who the fuck is this Roy Schestowitz person?

  • Subject: Re: Who the fuck is this Roy Schestowitz person?
  • From: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 00:23:54 -0700
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Posted via Supernews, http://www.supernews.com
  • References: <X2Oxg.28978$iv2.7481@fe26.usenetserver.com> <ea8cm3$h8i$1@nntp.aioe.org> <slrnecfe69.1f1g.bd@bdhi.local> <eaa3l7$bac$1@nntp.aioe.org> <slrnechhlf.2d25.bd@bdhi.local> <eacpg5$jpd$1@nntp.aioe.org> <slrneck58c.jhn.bd@bdhi.local> <pan.2006.> <slrnecmof9.2d1g.bd@bdhi.local>
  • User-agent: Pan/ (As She Crawled Across the Table (Debian GNU/Linux))
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1134509

On Sat, 29 Jul 2006 09:26:01 -0400, Black Dragon wrote:

>> Strikes me there's no legitimate reason for xna.
> Your opinion is noted.
> The people at DejaNews originally, then Google, obviously have a different 
> opinion. If they didn't think there wasn't a need for it, the option would 
> likely not have been made available.

Well, gee, not like some gormless twits who would be better served by
simply not posting don't *want* such a feature; as noted, most seem to
simply hope their words won't come back to haunt them.

Relying on xna to hide your past, though, hardly qualifies as legitimate,
even if it may be *desired*.

> The only place I'm aware of that honors the XNA flag is Google Groups.

And you know it honors it how, exactly?  Yes, fine, it doesn't *display*
the article.  This week.  You're sure it's not actually archiving them,
and won't start displaying them *next* week, are you?  No?  So it's hardly
clear they're honoring it, is it?

>> So, in the end, there's no real reason for xna... except the vain hope
>> nobody will remember what you said and be able to check it later.  Or,
>> to put it bluntly, because one is full of crap and doesn't want it
>> recorded.
> That leads to another reason people use XNA. Over time, people often
> change how they think about things.

So?  I have.  Chances are, if you check the history of this group, you'll
find posts from me from around 2000 where I said Linux wasn't ready for
the desktop.  Now I think otherwise.  A lot of that is because Linux
itself changed a lot in the interim.  A lesser part may be that I simply
came to appreciate Linux as a desktop solution more as time went on.

My views - internal and expressed - have changed considerably.  The posts
are still there.  People change, technologies change, views change. 
Unless one was being dishonest lying scum back then, the fact their views
changed means nothing beyond that their views changed - so why try to hide
it, when everybody knows such changes happen anyhow?  No, the only reason
to hide the past is if you were being a lying, dishonest, scummy piece of
garbage back then, and are trying to hide it... or you're being that way
*now* and don't want it immortalized.

Either way, a person in such a situation would be better served by simply
not posting.

> There are people on Usenet that for example will go back and retrieve
> something posted five years ago that contradicts what a person said
> yesterday and call them liars

Such people are demonstrating their inability to grasp reality; such
attempts show *them* to be the ones with issues, not the person they're

> And I'll say it again;
> The only place I'm aware of that honors the XNA flag is Google Groups.
> Notice a pattern yet?

Yeah; some half-ass idiots who should simply stop posting, choose to use
xna instead of growing up.  We knew that.

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