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Re: [News] eWEEK Ranks Linux Above Other Operating System

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:82448582.PAZWmT1s1M@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Linux kernel at number 6.

* Red Hat Linux at number 19

(Microsoft products only appear at the very bottom)

This is a bit misleading.

eWeek is ranking the "top 25 products of the last 25 years", though apparently all of their products seem to be computer related. To give an idea of the variety of products listed, "The IBM PC" is number 1, "Mosaic Web Browser" is 2, and "Apache" is 3. For OSes, Apple Macintosh is 8th and Windows 95 is 23rd. The highest ranking Microsoft product is Visual Basic at 20, just below Red Hat Linux.

IOW, eWeek is saying MS Office, MS Win95, and MS VB are "pretty damn good", but that Linux (specifically RedHat and the kernel) is better.

- Oliver

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