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Re: The Linux Press

__/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Thursday 27 July 2006 03:00 \__

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Scott W
> <d38dm8nw81k1ng@xxxxxxxxx>
>  wrote
> on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 00:45:14 +0100
> <ea8uoq$fli$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Roy Schestowitz said:
>> (rather than highlight the merit of Windows).
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Roy
>> what merit?
> $32B or so a year.  Dirty money, filthy lucre, maybe
> illegal ill-gotten gains -- but it's money for Gates &
> Co. to spend...somewhere.
> Is Gates a shrewd, persistent salesperson, or is the
> populace just being naive, stupid, or all of the above?
> An interesting question.  Hopefully the press can educate
> the populace on the merits of the Linux desktop (Linux
> is doing very well on the server side, TCO arguments from
> other vendors notwithstanding).
> One might question whether the vendors are paying Bill
> off for the purpose of convenience.  I suspect Microsoft
> drives a very hard bargain.
> Linux gets a nice buzz from what I see, and Wall Street
> seems to like it (when it cares).  The main problem is
> that the mainstream press goes on and on about "viruses",
> "malware", "danger", "trojans", and such, without
> mentioning the target for the majority thereof.

I'd say it's either abstinence from loyal reader alienation or refraining
from calling for the wrath of Redmond. Redmond can become vocal and many
media outlets /still/ depend on their technology.

> I could probably count the number of infectious viruses
> targeted at Linux, or Linux distros, on my hands and feet,
> and I'm not sure I'd need my feet.  (If you really want,
> throw in the FreeBSD and Mac infectious items as well.
> Mix 'em together for flavor.)  The most damaging ones
> I remember offhand are Li0n, which targeted a specific
> version of RedHat's Apache server, and a vulnerability
> or two in Mozilla that allowed page spoofing.  AFAIK both
> have been long since fixed.
> Contrast that to the weekly reports of the Top 40 viruses for a
> certain other vendor.

I believe one AV vendor count recently hit 200,000 (yes, that's right).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux: most popular O/S, yet not most widespread
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