On Wed, 26 Jul 2006 14:59:53 -0400, Donn Miller wrote:
yttrx wrote:
I know it's been years since I even thought about usenet, but
what the hells up with all these news posts? Does Manchester not
have web access?
I mean jesus.
Wow, aren't you the guy who used to post as "." here a long time ago?
It's been a real long time, man.
It seems to be.
Of course it's hysterical watching the COLA mob blame it on me.
People ask me why I like to hang around COLA. Well it's moments like these
that make it all worthwhile.
Watching a complete ninny like Shysterwitch let his arrogance and
ignorance drive him right down the garden path to a wrong conclusion.
Which is what happens most of the time when he tries to think.
Then to observe the COLA mob mobilize to draw ranks around their leader
in support of his asinine claims simply adds to the fun.