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[News] Free, Open Source Music Server and Client/s

Hands on: Let the Linux music play

How to install the open-source Squeezebox, and use Amarok to manage your

,----[ Quote ]
| This small, perfectly formed unit plugs into a normal hi-fi system
| and receives music streamed over a wired or wireless network, allowing you 
| to play music stored on a computer. It has received a good deal of positive 
| press.
| [[Completely open source]]
| So what has this device got to do with Linux or Unix? Perhaps a
| unique feature of the Squeezebox is that the server software, which
| controls the device and streams music to it, is completely open source;
| it is released under the common GPL (Gnu Public Licence), and it works
| just as well on a Linux (or Unix) system as it does on Windows.


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