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Re: [News] PC Assemblers Urged to Sell Dual-boot Systems

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ William Poaster ] on Tuesday 06 June 2006 16:17 \__
>> On Tue, 06 Jun 2006 15:51:38 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Tuesday 06 June 2006 15:47 \__
>>>> begin  oe_protect.scr
>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>> Cybersource wants Linux on white-boxes
>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>>| Open source evangelist Con Zymaris wants Australian PC assemblers to
>>>>>| consider selling dual-boot Windows and Linux systems with a new plan
>>>>>| that he claims would "double their profit margins."
>>>>> `----
>>>>>         http://www.crn.com.au/story.aspx?CIID=38608&src=site-marq
>>> I later found *this*, which complements the former:
>>> http://www.arnnet.com.au/index.php/id;728845251;fp;8;fpid;0
>>>> He's pointing the right way - it's critical to consider the margin at
>>>> each step of the way.  Not sure that this is the answer, but it looks
>>>> promising, so we'll see.
>>> He was referring to the 'relationship' between the OEM and Microsoft, as
>>> if the wrath of Redmond could play a role. I find that rather
>>> disturbing, but it's a true fact and an actual factor on the ground.
>> It will be interesting to see if this dual-boot happens. OTOH there is
>> *nothing* M$ could do, if he chose to give away a free live linux CD with
>> every windows box sold, complete with instructions on how to run it.
>> <grin>
> You can take a horse down to the river, but you can't make it drink. I
> think that by having a boot menu (grub/lilo), you will encourage users to
> explore. No harm in choice. Only added value.

Some might explore others most would probable ignore Linux. 

*However* if you gave them the basic windows OS on one partition (and
nothing else), and Linux with ALL the usefull apps that they would want on
the other partition, along with a nice little glossy booklet explaining the
Linux apps and what you use them for. Just for good measure make Linux the
default OS that is booted up, then my guess is that most people would boot
up linux and use it.

It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it. :-)  



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