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Re: Critical Ubuntu Bug: Market Share

__/ [ Da'Punk-A ] on Saturday 10 June 2006 11:38 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Da'Punk-A ] on Friday 09 June 2006 17:29 \__
>> > Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> > I wonder how willing Gates is to throw his personal money into the
>> > Microsoft pot to keep it going if the revenue turned bad?
>> For idealogical reasons as well as ego, I am sure he will be willing to
>> throw a plentiful to rescue the company that he once started with Allen.
> Hmm... maybe... but I'm sure I read that he (and Ballmer) are getting
> their money /out/ of Microsoft.
Yes, I can confirm. I read something on this myself. Same in Google though.

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