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Re: MSFT Drops to $21 Territories

__/ [ Ramon F Herrera ] on Saturday 10 June 2006 13:05 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Not encouraging.
> Speak for yourself, Roy.
> I find the news about the MS stock going down very encouraging!  :-)
> -Ramon F Herrera

As off-topic as one might describe this, I believe it properly represents
what is happening beyond the point of Windows pre-installation /en masse/.
Clearly, sales of servers, desktops and software (particularly cash cows)
are unaligned with expectations, spending (investments) are increased and
the road ahead is not promising. The stock merely reflects on the success of
some big rivals, some of which are not bound to a stock. IBM, RHAT, and NOVL
and a few others are rather intricate.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "All your archives are (sic) belong to Google"
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