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Re: SCO Lawyers Claim ELF is Theirs

__/ [ Da'Punk-A ] on Saturday 10 June 2006 13:51 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> SCO Plays a Desperate Card and IBM Moves to Block
>>         http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20060608225433263
> My word! "Desperate" doesn't begin to describe SCO's move.  As the
> linked article says, IBM shouldn't have to even sneer at it.  This
> isn't moving the goalposts, it's changing the sport being played in the
> final minutes of the game.

The title caught my eye because I dealt with ELF support when programming a
front-end debugger for ARM processors. Claiming that UNIX (particularly SCO)
own ELF is like suggesting that PNG is property of Mozilla because they did
a fine implementation to support it.

> SCO should go for broke and mention somewhere that Bill Gates stole
> Windows from them. Then, if they get lucky, they might end up owning
> Unix, Linux and Windows.  Now that would be a result for the perishing
> little buggers.

SCO is not a company. It's a tool. Trying to blame Linux for death in
gruelsome industry is as arbitrary as shitting your pants because that's
where your asshole happens to be. The scapegoat was Microsoft's choice.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Software patents destroy innovation
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