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[News] Micrsoft Feels the Heat (from Google)

This week in software wars

,----[ Quote ]
| While Microsoft has its eyes on Vista, Google is opening up a new front
| in its battle for a greater piece of the software titan's territory. 
| Although Microsoft does not have a hosted or Web-based version of Excel
| yet, third parties already provide the online sharing capability that
| Google is touting with its Spreadsheets, Microsoft noted.
| The software maker is still cautioning that Vista is not ready for the
| average consumer, pitching CPP as suited for developers and tech workers,
| as well as hard-core enthusiasts who don't mind a few bugs and have a
| spare machine for testing. Microsoft also recommends that those interested
| in CPP run its recently released adviser tool, which helps detect how
| Vista-ready a PC is.


Eclectic item.

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