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Re: To Kind comp.os.linux.advocacy Readers

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Be aware. The trolls in this group are conspiring against me, off-list(NG).
> * They first aimed for character assassination
> * Then came the FUD - intimidation
> * Failing all the above, they now say the items are spam
> Don't let the trolls ruin what the group has evolved to become. Please ignore
> their attempts to pull the tricks above, by ignoring.
> The description of this group goes somewhere along the lines of "the
> advantages of Linux compared to other platforms" (Google Groups, quoted from
> memory). Put differently, maybe negatively: "the disadvantages of platforms
> that are not Linux". Sometimes your enemy's weaknesses can be perceived as
> your strengths.

All I can see is "WOW" - unbelievable. You have no problems calling
other people idiots, liars, distorting names and facts to suit your
agenda or publically saying that "Scoble cannot tell his ass from his
face" on your website.

But when someone criticizes a couple of your COLA posts and points out
that a blog entry from an annonymous poster named "grouch" isn't NEWS
and that a howto on customizing your SuSE desktop isn't NEWS either you
take it so personally that you think that people are "conspiring
against you." Seems more than a bit paranoid.

If you can't take this slightest bit of criticism then you are going to
have a very difficult time out in the real world once you leave the
safe haven of academia.

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