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Re: [News] To Kind comp.os.linux.advocacy Readers

__/ [ 7 ] on Saturday 10 June 2006 10:20 \__

> John Bailo wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Be aware. The trolls in this group are conspiring against me,
>>> off-list(NG).
>>> * They first aimed for character assassination
>>> * Then came the FUD - intimidation
>>> * Failing all the above, they now say the items are spam
>>> Don't let the trolls ruin what the group has evolved to become. Please
>>> ignore their attempts to pull the tricks above, by ignoring.
>>> The description of this group goes somewhere along the lines of "the
>>> advantages of Linux compared to other platforms" (Google Groups, quoted
>>> from memory). Put differently, maybe negatively: "the disadvantages of
>>> platforms that are not Linux". Sometimes your enemy's weaknesses can be
>>> perceived as your strengths.
>> Roy,
>> You're tirelessness in presenting The Facts through key news articles has
>> innundated the trolls to the point of folly.
> I agree, they have nowhere to go except into the bin.

Thanks, folks!

I came across the following sentence uttered by EB:

        "I regularly rip Rex a new asshole on his comments"

The society we indulge in...

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