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Re: The Beauty in KDE: SuperKaramba

On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 08:41:48 -0700, Larry Qualig wrote:

> Kier wrote:
>> On Fri, 09 Jun 2006 16:49:06 -0700, Larry Qualig wrote:
>> >
>> > Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> >> How to install and run SuperKaramba
>> >>
>> >> ,----[ Quote ]
>> >> | I received several inquiries about how to install and run SuperKaramba
>> >> | themes. First download SuperKaramba tar file from >here< or SUSE users can
>> >> | get Guru RPM file from  >here<. Once installed you can get SuperKaramba
>> >> | GUI as belows...
>> >> `----
>> >>
>> >> http://planetyazid.blogspot.com/2006/06/how-to-install-and-run-sup_114986565881768537.html
>> >
>> >
>> > Must be a VERY S-L-O-W newsday.
>> >
>> > Since when did a guide on installing Karamba become "News?"
>> Oh, come on, Larry. Are you that petty? Or is this 'let's all shit on Roy'
>> day?
> Hopefully neither. This is a HOWTO on how to install something. There
> are hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of howto's on the web. Is
> each one going to be posted here as NEWS? It's *not* news... it's a
> howto.  When real *news* is posted I usually find it interesting. But
> it's a real stretch to call this blog entry by "yazid" on how to
> install a piece of software "NEWS"

That's not the point. Another poster pointed this out, but in a far more
polite and constructive way, IMO. I agree that it's not NEWs, it's also
not something that needs to be jumped on, particularly more than once, and
in such a sneering manner.

I happen to think you're generally decent bloke, but you're not helping
yourself here.


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