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Re: do no evil?

__/ [ Paul ] on Saturday 10 June 2006 18:00 \__

> On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 18:45:52 +0200, Borek
> <m.borkowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jeez
> What is this world coming to ?

I think the world is coming _from_ a little garage, but soon grows wings and
exhibit vanity. I noticed in the past that they registered g00gle.com

> What about the word "polo"
> Polo sweets
> Polo car
> Polo shirt

I guess it was Chmoogle as in "Google Schmoogle", which can be perceived as
offensive at worst.


,----[ Quote ]
| The name "Google" originated from a misspelling of "googol," [2] which
| refers to 10100(a 1 followed by one-hundred zeros).

> Thats 3 that come to mind. How can anyone confuse Chmoogle with google
> is beyond me.
> Thanks for highlighting that Borek.

Yup. Thanks. Do know (sic) evil? I guess I now have an excuse to eradicating
para-sites. *smile*


Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    GPL'd 3-D Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
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