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Re: relation between indexing and ranking

> Your site could have been the victim of penalties. Maybe just some
> explainable fluctuations. Check your positions daily and see if they
> oscillate, so to speak. Try different datacentres (IP addresses) if it
> helps.
> You might find the following valuable:
>                 http://www.tippy.co.uk/google-datacenter-check/
> Best wishes,
> Roy

My site has about 10.000 pages.
According to awstats i think they are all indexed...as you can see in
the next link.


The problem is that if i type the word "review" (in my language, not
english) and the word of the product, i only appear in top rankings for
the 3 products in homepage.

Let me tell you that i am number 1 in all SEs for the word "review" in
my language.

So i tought that beeing the number 1 for the word "review" when someone
would search for that word plus the product name, i would be the
first....but it seems that i am wrong...

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