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Re: [News] To Kind comp.os.linux.advocacy Readers

Roy Schestowitz schreef:
Be aware. The trolls in this group are conspiring against me, off-list(NG).

* They first aimed for character assassination
* Then came the FUD - intimidation
* Failing all the above, they now say the items are spam

Don't let the trolls ruin what the group has evolved to become. Please ignore
their attempts to pull the tricks above, by ignoring.

As far as i concern, you are doing an damn good job Roy!

I hope, signing your guestbook this morning is _not_ the reason, you are posting this.

I never write or take part in the discussions because i am afraid, i will get seduced feeding the trolls.

I am a Linux user since 1998/1999. If something does mot suite me, ill fix it by browsing documentation and being a little creative ;)

The problem with the trolls is, when something does not work right out of the box, they blame it on the distro or Linux in general. Instead if figuring out how to fix it, they spit their frustration all over cola. And unfortunately they are getting ruder and ruder by the day.

Thanks for your advice, once again!

_HELP:_ where is the *plonk* button in Thunderbird (just kidding...) :D

Hang on in there and keep up the good work!


|_|0|_| Marti's Homepage: http://members.home.nl/ml2mst
|_|_|0| Registered Linux User #394093
|0|0|0| We should follow them, not shoot them! (Robert D. Steele)

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