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Re: See *The COLA Gang* Spring Into Action!!

In article <pan.2006.>, flatfish+++
> My point is that the behavior is unethical and that very few of the Linux
> advocates will admit it but instead prefer to defend Roy which in and of
> itself says a lot about their character as well.

Right.  He's how this whole thing would have played out if everyone involved
was ethical:

1. As soon as Erik pointed out the image, Roy would have removed it.

2. The group could then debate whether Erik's posting about this, rather
than notifying Roy privately, was within the bounds of gentlemanly behavior,
or is simply the actions of a cad.

Note that caddishness is not zero-sum.  If the conclusion to #2 is that Erik
should not have posted, that doesn't excuse Roy.

--Tim Smith

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