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Re: Australian DoJ Gets Linux Desktops

Chirag Shukla wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> > Cybersource in desktop Linux deal with Victorian Government.
> >
> > ,----[ Quote ]
> > | Australian Linux and open source solutions company Cybersourcehas
> > | deployed 120 thin client Linux-based desktops and servers for the
> > | Victorian Department of Justice.
> > |
> > | [...]
> > |
> > | Fabre continued, "Along with Linux, we use a who's who of open source
> > | desktop applications, such as Firefox and OpenOffice.org. This
> > | deployment further proves that desktop Linux is a viable option for
> > | specific enterprise needs in the Australian business context."
> > `----
> >
> >                 http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/4787/49/
> Hate to say it but despite the benefits of Linux, none of out 24 users
> that started using Ubuntu/FC stuck to it after a couple months. Seems
> like only if Linux is forced on new users, it is sustained on their
> desktops. Just my opinion. I havent given up on advocating Linux to
> users though.

I'm a little confused.  I'm a computer user.  I started using Ubuntu in
March, I think.  I'm still using Ubuntu.  I'm planning to upgrade from
Breezy to Dapper very soon (just got my Dapper CDs from shipit).
Ubuntu wasn't forced on me, I chose to use it, all of my own free will.
 And not only is it "sustained on my desktop", I have no intention of
removing it - neither for a different distro, nor to reinstall Windows.
 This isn't a dual-boot, I scraped Windows off my box completely.

I suspect there are plenty of other people who have done similar too
me.  Visit ubuntuforums.org and you'll see lots of stories like this.
So your "opinion" that Linux only stays on a desktop if it's forced on
the user would seem to be full of holes.

This isn't my "opinion" - it's based on what's happened, on what I have
done.  Anecdotal evidence, to be sure, but evidence nevertheless.
Based on actual occurrence.  Fact.  And I'm a regular computer user - I
use it every day, I need to for my work - so if Ubuntu was no good, it
would have disappeared from my box very quickly.

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