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Re: Australian DoJ Gets Linux Desktops

Kier wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 18:41:52 -0700, Chirag Shukla wrote:
> >
> <snip>
> > Hate to say it but despite the benefits of Linux, none of out 24 users
> > that started using Ubuntu/FC stuck to it after a couple months. Seems
> > like only if Linux is forced on new users, it is sustained on their
> > desktops. Just my opinion. I havent given up on advocating Linux to
> > users though.
> What reasons were given, if any, for the users giving up Ubuntu/FC?
> --
> Kier

Various normal and abnormal reasons, here are a few --
* Didnt like it
* Equivalent of Access not easy to use
* Thesis cannot be read by Word equivalent
* Regression not available in Excel equivalent
* Powerpoint sucks
* Who can help me? (this guy didnt have internet)
* Sound not working
* Screen goes blank sometimes
* Yahoo messenger on Windows is better than Gaim
* How to install frontpage and dreamweaver
* How to change network speed to 100mbps full duplex
* Cannot play music from some sites

Some reasons are understandable (like thesis not loading correctly),
but most are just convenience items that users did not want to take
time to adjust to on Ubuntu/FC5. Many reasons are application based
more than OS based. Again, the benefits of no/little popups and no
malware is overshadowed by that just-one-single-problem they face on
the new OS. Not many advocates here understand that users are simply
"users" who give any reason for using or not using an OS. Users dont
care about the (dis)advantages of an OS if they can get what they want
done from it. Distro-dance has been a turn-off for most users. Let me
know if you are interested in details.

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