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Re: Microsoft buys iView

__/ [ dk ] on Thursday 29 June 2006 16:47 \__

> Some people regard complaints about Microsoft in this newsgroup as being
> off-topic. They're missing the point. The rise of Linux has been, in part,
> a reaction to Microsoft's flaky software and shoddy practices.
> Microsoft has just bought iView, manufacturers of the Media Pro software
> used by millions of photographers, designers and other creative
> professionals. Someone has already blogged about it:
> <http://www.webvivant.com/blog/49>

Google bought Picasa and SketchUp (3-D modelling for play or for Earth/Maps),
so to be fair, putting aside the issues with devouring the competitor, what
is the problem? I read it a couple of days ago, but it seemed pretty kosher.

On the other hand, Microsoft was working on a s--called Photoshop killer
before its engineer were migrated to <save Vista>(r). This makes me think of
Visual Studio and Borland. Even Netscape... and we soon had MSC++, MS
'HTML', and maybe WMP is yet to come, with DRM support.

Best wishes,


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