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Re: Roy Schestowitz has crushed the COLA trolls

__/ [ William Poaster ] on Monday 26 June 2006 23:23 \__

> This message was posted on Usenet, NOT JLAforums, & on  Mon, 26 Jun 2006
> 03:03:31 +0200, Roy Culley wrote:
>> The subject says it all. Roy's posts have forced the trolls to make
>> personal attacks against him because they cannot refute the pro-linux
>> and anti-MS posts he makes. What is amusing is that most of Roy's
>> posts are merely quoting what is being said by others. Yet the trolls
>> attack him personally.
>> Just like MS cannot stop the advance of Linux and OSS the trolls
>> cannot stop you posting articles on Linux and OSS adoption worldwide
>> and the pathetic state of MS SW.
>> Lang may yer lum reek laddie. :-)
> Absolutely! :-)

Thanks, folks. *smile* I don't see it stopping any time in the foreseeable
future. I had my contract renewed until September 2007 (at the least).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    England - 1  Ecuador - 0
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux     ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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