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[News] SGI Chooses Linux with Itanium Processors for Clusters

SGI Launches Entry Woodcrest Xeon, Itanium Linux Supers

,----[ Quote ]
| X86 and X64 clusters running Linux are utterly dominating the
| supercomputing landscaping, but SGI has been trying to peddle the
| technically more sophisticated NUMAflex interconnect, which allows
| thousands of Itanium processors to share a single memory space and
| which makes many applications run better than massively parallel
| clusters using cheap Xeons.
| [...]
| The servers currently support Novell's SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
| and will support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 in July. The future releases
| of these two Linuxes--SLES 10 and RHEL 5--will be supported when they
| become available.


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