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Re: Migrating to SuSE - Video

  • Subject: Re: Migrating to SuSE - Video
  • From: Chris <clwagner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 11:56:10 -0500
  • In-reply-to: <slrnea009v.it0.houghi@penne.houghi>
  • Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.suse
  • Organization: pc NOT
  • References: <5ANng.8933$7K2.7420@bignews2.bellsouth.net> <slrne9vecp.it0.houghi@penne.houghi> <DXRng.32342$EX2.8143@bignews5.bellsouth.net> <slrnea009v.it0.houghi@penne.houghi>
  • User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060516)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk alt.os.linux.suse:223954
houghi wrote:
> Chris wrote:
>> houghi wrote:
>>> I am sorry, what is 'obvious' about using proprietary drivers?
>> OpenGL performance for starters.
> Well, to me that is not 'obvious'. Even the answer is not. :-( Are they
> included or not included in the proprietary drivers?

Forgive my assumption, but yes sir they are. Thanks to Roy's link¹ I
found an issue concerning the current ATI drivers and the 8500 chipset.
The solution (thanks to marty's post¹) is to replace the libGL.so1.2
with an older ATI version.

¹  SUSE 10.1: ATI Drivers Installation

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