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[News] Microsoft's Empty Promises: Dirty Tactic

A bit repetitive, I know...

,----[ Quote ]
| WinFS has long been regarded by Microsoft-haters as vaporware.  They said
| it would never see the light of day. It was just another empty promise to
| keep users looking forward at future Windows releases and away from
| alternative platforms like Linux or OS X.
| [...]
| After all the expectations I had for the Vista wave of technologies and
| the user experience it would bring I feel I?ve been let down by Microsoft.  
| I don't say this as a typical anti-Microsoft zealot but as a true fan of 
| Microsoft products.  If Microsoft would have told me in 2003 that they were 
| planning to deliver the product as a cut-down user experience and a bunch 
| of SQL Server 200x add-ons then I would have explored other platforms 
| sooner.          


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