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Re: [News] Microsoft's Empty Promises: Dirty Tactic

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> A bit repetitive, I know...
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| WinFS has long been regarded by Microsoft-haters as vaporware.  They said
>| it would never see the light of day. It was just another empty promise to
>| keep users looking forward at future Windows releases and away from
>| alternative platforms like Linux or OS X.
>| [...]
>| After all the expectations I had for the Vista wave of technologies and
>| the user experience it would bring I feel I?ve been let down by Microsoft.  
>| I don't say this as a typical anti-Microsoft zealot but as a true fan of 
>| Microsoft products.  If Microsoft would have told me in 2003 that they were 

This grammatical error is becoming so common...

... it should read "if Microsoft had told me that they would deliver..."
or you could even go "if Microsoft would tell me that they were x, then
y...", which is messy and wordy, but at least the tense and mood are
correct,  or "if Microsoft were to tell me that, then I would..." which
is better than the middle one.

>| planning to deliver the product as a cut-down user experience and a bunch 
>| of SQL Server 200x add-ons then I would have explored other platforms 
>| sooner.          
> `----
> http://www.osreview.com/2006/06/25/the-sad-tale-of-winfs-and-the-vista-user-experience/

Bl**dy illiterates... :-)

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
Good day to avoid cops.  Crawl to work.

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