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Re: {NewS] Laptops Give Hope to the Homeless

__/ [ Sinister Midget ] on Monday 26 June 2006 15:12 \__

> http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,71153-0.html?tw=rss.index
>    FILLMORE, California -- Happy Ivy doesn't have a bathroom or a
>    kitchen in the bus he calls home. He does, however, have a
>    video-editing station.
>    Living in a squalid, Woodstock-style bus parked in a Fillmore,
>    California, orange grove, the 53-year-old homeless man charges a
>    power generator from a utility shed and uses Wi-Fi from a nearby
>    access point. From this humble camp, he's managed to run a
>    'round-the-clock internet television studio, organize grassroots
>    political efforts, record a full-length album and write his
>    autobiography, all while subsisting on oranges and avocados.
>    He claims he created one of the first handheld computer scanners and
>    played a major part in the data transmission industry in the early
>    1990s. "I've always been trying to stay up on internet technology,"
>    Ivy said.
> .....
>    Many of those now living without a permanent roof over their heads
>    have cell phones in their pockets or laptop computers at their hips.
>    While people living in shelters and alleys have found it difficult
>    to cross social divides, the digital divide seems to disappear on
>    the streets. Nearly all homeless people have e-mail addresses,
>    according to Michael Stoops, director of the National Coalition for
>    the Homeless.  "More have e-mail than have post office boxes,"
>    Stoops said. "The internet has been a big boon to the homeless."

I read it a few days ago, but couldn't find any direct relationship to Linux,
apart from  the OLPC initiative.

> Imagine if the $100 laptop made it into the hands of some of these
> people (not like the ones mentioned, but the ones that don't have
> access to things like the ones mentioned).

No change of XP _Home_ Edition, eh?

> Now imagine if His Buttcrustness had his way and they could only run
> machines with Windwoes, be forced to pay for licenses, forced to pay
> extra for additional connections to their servers, etc.

Don't forget that Gates is a philanthropist. Having run software houses out
of business, through third-round tactics, he can now have programmers on the
street beg him for money. And if he feels like it, he might as well start
bobbing and tossing a coin.

Like Ballard once said, it's like those crooks who steal from society and
give back for self glorification. The gift from a guilty conscience.

> Not that this sort of thing is a panacea for people on the streets. It
> best serves those who have had a run of bad luck, not those who are
> drunks, dug addicts, sick mentally, etc.

Microsoft often adopts the strategy of a drug dealer. A free sample gets you
dependent for life. Turning a blind eye to piracy is just one element of
this contention.

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