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Re: [News] WinFS Dies (And Yet ANOTHER Feature Conceded)

__/ [ ws ] on Monday 26 June 2006 09:26 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> I won't link to MSDN, so here is the blurb (or gist):
>> WinFS is Dead
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The official word from the dev team is that WinFS will no longer be
>> | developed as a relational filesystem, and all future betas are
>> | cancelled.
>> `----
>>                 http://digg.com/software/WinFS_is_Dead
>> WinFS was set to be an abstraction layer to NTFS, so interoperability with
>> Linux was never a pressing issue. Hard-drive encryption in Vista is
>> another matter altogther...
> Love the mixed metaphors in this blogger's comment:
> http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/2006/06/25/we_come_to_bury_winfs

Oh, yeah, I posted it this morning (subject line "Was the Promise of WinFS
Just FUD?"). The author compares this to the strategy once used by IBM to
delay defections, leaving the customer with (false) hopes. It leads to
doubt. Think, for example, about the promise to deliver Longhorn in 2003,
WinFS, SOA, security breaches that will supposedly come to an end...

> "It's perfectly reasonable to sugar-coat a bitter pill, but giving
> someone a teaspoon of sugar while you sneak up behind them with the
> suppository won't make you any friends at all."
> The problem is, I think there's coke mixed in the sugar...

It could either be COLA, or it could be the equivalent of cocaine, which
leaves the prey (customer) vulnerable and submissive. There is a great deal
of disinformation going about...

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