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Re: DayNotez

__/ [ Ruby Vee ] on Saturday 24 June 2006 21:12 \__

> I'm a compulsive journaller, and have been using DayNotez
> for four years now -- love the program.  (Especially the
> password protection which keeps the teenager from being able
> to access MY journal!)  But when my PC died and I bought a
> Mac, I discovered that the DayNotez desktop won't run on a
> Mac!  Is there anything comparable that will?
> Ruby

Hi Ruby,

I  don't  know  that  application you speak  of,  but  Apple
computers  have  virtualisation capabilities (Parallels  and
Boot  Camp). However, these require a Windows licence.  Your
other option is to install GNU/Linux on your Mac (Ubuntu and
SUSE,  for example, make this easy), alongside Mac OS X,  or
under  virtualisation software. You can then run the program
under  Linux, through Wine, or Win4Lin, or CrossOver  Office
(among  others).  Your  route to success is running  a  mock
Windows  platform.  In  the  latter case,  you  needn't  pay
anything.  Ubuntu will even ship to your home for free  (PPC
version, as well as Intel, are available).

Best wishes,


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