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Re: [News] Floor-mopping Robot Runs Linux

On 2006-06-24, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> Due to have competition from MSCE's who refuse to learn *nix.
> Porting a floor-mopping robot to Linux
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Dr. Dobbs Journal has published a detailed, technical paper chronicling
>| a successful 22-month development effort by two Intellibot Robotics
>| software engineers to port a $33,000, autonomous floor-scrubbing robot
>| from an OS-less design based on a custom 68K processor-based board to
>| embedded Linux running on an off-the-shelf x86-board. 
> `----
>                 http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS5290870476.html

The MCSEs will have to work for less. They'll demand the chips and
Mountain Dew that would give the robot heartburn.

That's OK. The MCSEs will be worth less/worthless. Just like now, only

Excuse my english. I went to US public school.

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