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Re: Through SMB's, Linux Nicks Windows Market Share

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Microsoft and Linux Rivals Refocus on SMB Servers, Channel Initiatives
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Microsoft's Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 will face more Linux
> | competition when it ships later this summer.
> | [...]
> |
> | As SBS 2003 R2 nears delivery, Linux rivals have lined up new SMB servers
> | and channel incentives. In May, Novell shipped its new Linux-based Open
> | Workgroup Suite. Xandros and Collax also stepped up to the plate last
> | month with a new SMB server and new channel initiatives, respectively,
> | that target SMB customers and VARs in the United States.

The real "pitch" for Linux is two-fold.

First, do you plan to grow?  If so, it might be a good idea to start
with a solution that can start as small single-processor Linux server
but can grow with your business to 64 processor *nix machines, with
minimal effort.  If you start with SMB Windows, what are the costs and
limits of upward scalability?  Will you have to switch horses in the
middle of the stream?

Second, where do YOU want to go?  Most Microsoft based solutions are
canned solutions of Microsoft and 3rd party hardware that is often very
difficult to customize to your specific business needs.  For example,
an accounting system that automatically computes commission may not
support a legal firm where payments are disbursed based on hours,
retainers, and client interfaces.

> | One Microsoft partner said Linux is quietly taking root in the SMB
> | space--and in the channel.

It's ironic that one of the most successful SMB *nix channels, SCO
seems to have abandoned this model, opting instead to try and run an
extortion racket against Linux users.  Caldera purchased SCO because
they needed the support of a huge channel to keep up with their
exploding demand.  Now the support organization has effectively killed
demand for Caldera/SCO products with their "Mafia Insurance Plan"

> http://www.crn.com/sections/microsoft/microsoft.jhtml?articleId=189501056

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