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Re: Another Windows "criminal" forced to switch to Linux

  • Subject: Re: Another Windows "criminal" forced to switch to Linux
  • From: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 17:56:49 -0700
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Posted via Supernews, http://www.supernews.com
  • References: <i77km3-nhc.ln1@sky.matrix> <8wKlg.2811$eV5.1735@newsfe08.phx> <slrne9eu06.6dv.jason@jason.websterscafe.com> <3539490.CfczLvYWiS@schestowitz.com> <slrne9fpak.gk6.bd@bdhi.local> <0vSdnc0HHYjsewrZRVnyiw@eclipse.net.uk> <1410472.9adCYjyH6h@schestowitz.com> <slrne9gslp.vkp.bd@bdhi.local> <2095023.D9uaySVAJL@schestowitz.com>
  • User-agent: Pan/ (As She Crawled Across the Table (Debian GNU/Linux))
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1122284

On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 10:46:23 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> A proper case study is that where the customer buys a machine (and
> peripherals, even applications) for /Linux/. Leading yourself from an
> eventual consequence (the present state) to a beginning -- a factor/choice
> -- is not very sensible. It's about the /routes/ one chooses.

While this is true, Draggy does have a point.  If my training is in, say,
high-end video production, and the major apps in the field stop supporting
Linux, I basically have three choices:

1) Switch careers
2) Use less-functional apps in Linux
3) Switch OSen

If one has built a reputation and a resume in a field, changing field may
well involve a major hit in income; this is also true if one is forced to
use less-functional apps, ones which increase effort to complete the task,
thus reducing one's ability to perform competitively.

If one's in such a position, using Linux would, in fact, cause significant
damage, despite being perfectly capable in principle of doing the job.

Draggy seems to be in just that boat - the apps he needs to do his job,
the job he's built his skills and reputation in, don't support Linux.  So
he gets to choose: switch careers, use less-functional tools (and reduce
his competitive edge and profits), or switch OSen.

He could, of course, develop such an app, or hire someone to, himself,
thus using Linux _and_ keeping the edge, but that involves significant
outlay and doesn't solve the problem he needs solved _now_.

That doesn't make Linux useless, or him stupid, just means that for _his_
needs, Linux isn't an option, because the apps, the tools, simply aren't

Now, that said, if he's complaining that his machines only work with App
X, under Windows, but - at the time he bought 'em - he could have chosen
App Y, under Linux, which would have done the job equivalently well...
then his point about Linux causing him to starve would be completely
absurd - it was his choices, not Linux, that lead him to where he is.

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