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Re: Windows XPlosive

__/ [ Ian Hilliard ] on Wednesday 21 June 2006 20:19 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=32550
>> Yes, the machine was running Windows (it's a Dell, after all).
> I know that my laptop burns my lap through my trousers if I run Windows. So
> much for being a "Lap Top" computer.
> It is bad enough with XP. Just wait until Vista comes out. There will be
> laptops exploding all over the place.

The XBox 360 may be a better example. Many units have been catching fire, if
I recall correctly. Speaking of overheatibg issues:

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Real E-mail -> Harvest -> Fraud -> Spammers profit
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