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Re: Gates becomes a higher power

__/ [ chrisv ] on Wednesday 21 June 2006 16:38 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>This joins other interesting facts such as the 'unfortunate' experience of
>>gorwing up in a 6-bedroom house and having a grandfather who worked for the
>>Government (was he a senator? I guess Wikipedia includes all the answers).
>>Either way, the grip with governments and corporations (at a litigious
>>level) is without a doubt something that has helped Gates create a monopoly
>>over the decades.
> Of course.  Billy's amazing success has largely due to his
> exploitation of the fact that technology moves so much faster than the
> courts.

Netscape is a good example. "But Internet Explorer is rooted too deep in
Windows already...". It's like marking your territory (extracting the urine
or tasking the piss) to avoid a relocation.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "I feed my 3 penguins with electricity and love"
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