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Re: [News] $149.95 Linux Desktop (2.8 GHz, 180 GB, 256 RAM, nVidia nForce2)

  • Subject: Re: [News] $149.95 Linux Desktop (2.8 GHz, 180 GB, 256 RAM, nVidia nForce2)
  • From: Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 14:03:16 GMT
  • In-reply-to: <kornm3-99u.ln1@sky.matrix>
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: ntl Cablemodem News Service
  • References: <7741705.yIJGbC62IC@schestowitz.com> <kornm3-99u.ln1@sky.matrix>
  • User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1121740
[H]omer wrote:
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

Hoes do the giants feel about that?

See it to believe it. It's even better than the subject line


Wow, take away the KMS and you have a near $100 2.8GHz box.

I can see me having a Beowulf cluster by Christmas!


Except the FSB isn't as advertised. It's a 400, not an 800. Socket A, 5.1 AC97 sound (via SmartSense jacks), and the claimed /clock/ speed isn't 2.8, it's 2.2 at best using a Sempron 3000+ and up (Palomino clocks at 266fsb, Thoroughbred cores clock at 266/333fsb and Bartons and Semprons at 400fsb on this board). The board is fairly old as boards go, notwithstanding its NForce2 chipset it doesn't possess a dual channel memory controller.

Other than that, it's a very decent system for $150. Put me name down for a dozen.

When all else fails...
Use a hammer.


Some people are like Slinkies
They serve no particular purpose
But they bring a smile to your face
When you push them down the stairs.

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