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Re: (Article) Worthless Content Blamed on Search Engines

__/ [ Windsun ] on Wednesday 01 March 2006 19:24 \__

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:du4men$ahd$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> 'There is a new and insidious threat to the World Wide Web: a slowly
>> rising
>> tide of "original content" on Internet sites that is at best worthless,
>> and
>> at worst possibly even dangerously inaccurate.'
> Nothing new really, it has been happening for the past year or so. It just
> now got bad enough for the WSJ to notice it I guess. Getting so half the
> results you get on searches are worthless "phony content" and/or scraper
> sites, or sites full of SE spam that are only for selling Google Adspace.

The author of the article is referring less to the 'death of journalism'
aspect (blogs and content saturation) and more to search engine positions
hi-jacking owing to organic content, which is not original. Actually, he's
probably alluding to both. The terrain is changing, so the Internet bound to
blow up if not adapt to the change.

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