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Re: Why do I hate Windows...

__/ [ Larry Qualig ] on Saturday 04 March 2006 13:49 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Larry Qualig ] on Saturday 04 March 2006 12:26 \__
>> >
>> > Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> >> __/ [ Larry Qualig ] on Saturday 04 March 2006 05:09 \__
>> >>
>> >> > Vinella wrote:
>> >> >> Let me count the ways.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> We all know that Windoze is so easy to use...
>> >> >>
>> >> >> The setup.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> A plain ordinary AMD64 with XP and SP1 - about a vanilla an XP box
>> >> >> as you
>> >> >> can get.  It can't see or be seen by the Internet since only a
>> >> >> person who just fell off the yam wagon would put a Windows machine
>> >> >> on the 'Net.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> You are advised to keep your Windows machine unconnected. It gets
>> >> hijacked and hammers on Linux Web sites in scale that can be described
>> >> as a DDOS attack. I am among the victims, since September 2005.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >> Purchase: One HP Scanjet 4370.  About as plain a scanner as you can
>> >> >> find. Don't ask why I am not putting this on a decent Linux box -
>> >> >> the answer wouldn't be believed.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Insert CD.  Start installing.  Bang!  Error.  "Macromedia has
>> >> >> encountered
>> >> >> a serious error and cannot continue."   Click on continue and get an
>> >> >> offer
>> >> >> to send info to someone so that it can be fixed.  No logs, no
>> >> >> indication
>> >> >> of what is wrong.  Why is HP using Macromedia for a driver
>> >> >> install??!! So that they can advertise with flash during the
>> >> >> install?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Open the CD manually.  Click on Express Install.  Starts up. 
>> >> >> Crunch!
>> >> >> Error.  "The installer has incountered a fatal error and cannot
>> >> >> continue.
>> >> >> Reason: Internet Explorer 5.5 is required for installation."  Great
>> >> >> since
>> >> >> I have IE6.  This is a new model scanner and IE5 is years old.  What
>> >> >> the heck is this?  Maybe I should try to find 5.5 and replace IE6.
>> >> >> Besides, why does HP need a browser to install a USB scanner???
>> >> >> Anybody get the impression that HP programmers are paid by the byte?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Click on the the button to get what passes for an error log.
>> >> >> Messagebox pops up with some exit codes and stuff and suggests a
>> >> >> trip to the HP web
>> >> >> site with the info.  But guess what - the box cannot be selected
>> >> >> with the mouse or keyboard so you have to MANUALLY copy several
>> >> >> hundred characters of codes so that you can tell HP.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Calling XP an OS has GOT to be against some kind of
>> >> >> truth-in-advertising law - somewhere.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Vin
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I have an old HP scanner (purchased back in 2001). In Ubuntu 4, I
>> >> plugged it in for the first time and voila! Found hardware. Ran XSane,
>> >> which comes with the Ubuntu basic installation and began scanning.
>> >>
>> >> In SuSE 9.3 on the other hand, life was not so easy [sarcasm /]. I was
>> >> forced to double-click YaST, go to System -> Scanners -> Add news
>> >> scanner and then select my scanner from a long list of supported
>> >> scanners. When I installed SuSE, I did not include scanning software,
>> >> so *gasp* Lo and Behold, I had to insert my SuSE CD's to have XSane
>> >> installed. I was utterly disappointed. I was up for a little technical
>> >> challenge. Same c**p with my Palm handheld on both Ubuntu on SuSE --
>> >> worked without any added software and was even wizard-driven.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> > And barely one week ago you had another serious computer problem....
>> >> >
>> >> > ------------------
>> >> >
>> >> > - "I have XP on a high end IceCube - AMD64 1gb ram - which is wasting
>> >> > it but I have to run my wife's Quicken 2000.  Otherwise ExPee would
>> >> > be out of here.
>> >> >
>> >> > Windows has experienced a serious problem and has shut down to
>> >> > protect your computer.
>> >> > <blue screen verbage snipped out>
>> >> > Status 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 etc"
>> >> >
>> >> >> Bill M
>> >> >
>> >> > ------------------
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Seen it several times this week. The blue shows up in XP for no
>> >> justifiable reason whatsoever and a reboot is forced before you have
>> >> time to thoroughly read the error message. It is usually
>> >> network-related.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> > I suspect that computers are a tad bit "too hard" for you. Seems that
>> >> > you are incapable of anything remotely technical. Perhaps a better
>> >> > career move for you might be something like working over at the car
>> >> > wash or flipping burgers. Clearly you can't handle simple tasks that
>> >> > millions of people have little to no problem with.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> With respect, I cannot believe that this comes out of *your* month,
>> >> Larry. Been a tough day?
>> >>
>> >> The OP should not be put to such challenges. If he is, then the
>> >> operating system is counter-intuitive and is prone to wasting the
>> >> user's time. If assistance is required, it costs money too and here we
>> >> charge GBP 20 per hour for virus removal.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >> Vin
>> >> >
>> >> > So now it's Vin??? Last week it was "Bill M"  Or perhaps you prefer
>> >> > "Robert J. Kolker" or "Gabriel Blazquez" instead? There's another
>> >> > loser around here who makes similar posts. We call him as flatfish.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I believe it is not the case. The description seems genuine and it
>> >> resembles stuff that I continue to see.
>> >>
>> >
>> > "The description seems genuine..."???  It is not any different than the
>> > "genuine descriptions" that flatfish posts every week. Why is this
>> > description any more genuine than the survey of 300+ users that
>> > flatfish recently did in New York City?  Is it because this "genuine"
>> > post is anti-Microsoft while flatfist is anti-Linux?
>> >
>> > If this post is all that genuine how do you explain away the *fact*
>> > that last week it was "Bill M" and now it's suddenly "Vin" making these
>> > claims? Once a liar always a liar and Bill/Vin is a liar IMO.
>> This post arrived rather shortly after /flashfish/ in disguise had
>> returned, so I take your point and _reluctantly_ accept it.
>> Best wishes,
>> Roy
> Thanks Roy. COLA would be better IMO if there were less hyperbole and
> more discussion of the facts. I don't like these sorts of posts any
> more than the flatfish style "I installed Linux and it burned down my
> house" crap. There are occasional moments of realism here but
> unfortunately many people have extreme bias towards one OS or the
> other. For many (but certainly not all) it's either Linux is perfect
> and Windows "burnded down my house" or the opposite. The reality is
> nowhere near this extreme and both OS's could benefit with lessons
> learned from the other yet manage to keep their own unique identity.
> Gave a good day... I'm off to go skiing (right after I finish this cup
> of coffee). Wife and girls are away on vacation and my son is over a
> friends house for the weekend. I'm all alone in this house so I'm going
> skiing with a couple of friends from work. It's about 25-degrees
> outside but the wind is howling like crazy.

In relation to both paragraphs, don't go on the T-bar unless it runs Linux.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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