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Re: [Article] Google 'planning total storage'

__/ [ Paul B ] on Tuesday 07 March 2006 23:44 \__

> From : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4782108.stm
> Web giant Google is planning a massive online storage facility to
> encompass all users' files, it is reported.
> The plans were allegedly revealed accidentally after a blogger spotted
> notes in a slideshow presentation wrongly published on Google's site.
> The GDrive, previously the subject of chatroom rumour, would offer a
> mirror of users' hard drives, Reuters said.
> Google declined to comment on the reports but said the slide notes had
> now been deleted.
> In the notes, chief executive Eric Schmidt reportedly said Google's
> aim was to "store 100%" of users' information.
> The notes said: "With infinite storage, we can house all user files,
> including e-mails, web history, pictures, bookmarks, etc; and make it
> accessible from anywhere (any device, any platform, etc)."
> No announcement
> "We deleted the slide notes because they were not intended for
> publication," Google spokeswoman Lynn Fox said.
> "We are constantly working on new ways to enhance our products and
> services for users, but have nothing to announce at this time."
> Under the alleged scheme, if users suffered a crash and lost files,
> Google's own computers would have kept a back-up.
> The plan for total online storage could meet difficulties with
> bandwidth constraints for some users.
> The search giant recently decided to offer an optional facility that
> stores a copy of the text-based sections of each user's data on
> Google's own computers.

How long before Google offer Web hosting services? They do Wi-Fi already...

The mind boggles. Google were rumoured to have planned a subnet, or call it
Googlenet if you prefer.

Also read:


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