On Wed, 08 Mar 2006 07:46:45 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ Who Turned Off The Lights? ] on Wednesday 08 March 2006 07:17 \__
>> On Wed, 08 Mar 2006 06:44:37 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> __/ [ Who Turned Off The Lights? ] on Wednesday 08 March 2006 05:45 \__
>>>> On Wed, 08 Mar 2006 05:23:29 GMT, Big Bill wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 07 Mar 2006 17:44:17 -0600, Paul B <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>>>The GDrive, previously the subject of chatroom rumour, would offer a
>>>>>>mirror of users' hard drives, Reuters said.
>>>>> They went very quiet about this very quickly. We'll have to wait and
>>>>> see. Given Google's record on privacy you wouldn't want to use it for
>>>>> much except details of your pressed flower collection anyway.
>>>> Really! That which I would want to store at another locale is exactly
>>>> that which I wouldn't want anyone else to have access to.
>>>>> BB (wondering just *where* he can store that expanding directory of
>>>>> Stacey-Doll pix...)
>>>> Hey you collect 'em too?!? Wanna trade?
>>> You can use the latest of Google Desktop and search each other's
>>> hard-drives. A local dump of your data (as well as detailed indices) may
>>> be stored on the third party, which is Google.
>> 'nothing good at all about that. 'or is there?
>> BTW, Roy, may I pick your huge buldging brain for a sec? You're so brainy
>> and yet I doubt you actually spend time canvassing every and all news
>> sources to get the info you wish as quickly as you wish. The best I can do
>> is my MSNBC notices via email and my checking Google News Page at night and
>> in the morn'. Usually, I've not the temperament or patience to pursue a
>> better way. So, What's your secret? or would you rather not share?
>> Oh MY! I mentioned my use of Google! Dang! :-)
> I am both humbled and flattered but your words because I mainly rely on
> RSS feeds for input. I suggest you find an RSS aggregator that suits you.
> I am personally using RSSOwl, not necessarily because it is the best, but
> because it is Open Source, interoperable and I am partially involved with
> its development community.
> I have just uploaded my full list of feeds for you. You will find some
> news feeds therein, under the appropriate category:
> http://schestowitz.com/Bookmarks/rss-opml
My GOD Man! 154 Feeds?
It'd take me just as long to sort through them as it did to download 'em!
> A few days ago I installed a tool that enables me to tag links without re-
> lying on third-parties:
> http://www.schestowitz.com/Bookmarks/social_bookmark/
You mean there's more still? Oh God!
hehe, I last quickly appreciated your "Movies.com New This Week In
Theaters" Section.
Thank you Roy for educating me. This is the first of my experiences with
this! :-)