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Re: What The General Population Thinks of Linux

__/ [ Richard G. Riley ] on Saturday 11 March 2006 08:46 \__

>  "Roy"posted the following on 2006-03-11:
>> http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/55888/index.html
>> Based on a large-scale survey
>> ,----[ Snippets ]
>>| Is price the only reason for the interest? Unlike the early days when
>>| Linux provided a learning platform for people who couldn't afford UNIX,
>>| price seems the least important reason.
>>| [...]
>>| The Apple Macintosh users also had little knowledge of Linux but
>>| indicated extreme prejudice against it.
>>| [...]
>>| Windows users voiced dissatisfaction with Windows and said they primarily
>>| "put up" with Windows to use Microsoft Office productivity tools.
>>| What about the Microsoft alternative? Again, we saw that as barely
>>| a factor. People just like Linux.
>> `----
> Did you read it? It sounds like a "special needs" convention. The
> article is surely some kind of spoof and the replies make Linux users
> look a bit "Ralph".
> I mean, really : "sit in my Kontact with my email, With music playing
> from my amaroK with my RSS-Feeds available.. I find things new every
> day.. Government information from RSS.. News from RSS.."
> RSS? Wowola! And what do we find embedded in the article:
> "Windows users were subject to panic disorder, anxiety attacks and
> depression consistent with those in the general population."
> Bang goes any legitimacy. When will these people realise that they
> hurt the Linix cause with this type of fanboy spew?

I fully agree with you on that account. More verbose users tend to be the
'fanboys', but don't forget those who lurk and continue to use Linux as a
valuable tool.

Speaking of 'fanboys', I urge you to subscribe to alt.os.windows-xp just to
take a glimpse at some of the latest posts.


Done that?


Are you still here?


Okay, seen that?

I rest my case.

Best wishes,


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