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Re: Brazil to get stripped-down XP

__/ [ Lobo ] on Saturday 11 March 2006 22:45 \__

> http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/windows/0,39020396,39194696,00.htm
> "Microsoft declined to offer details on the Brazilian version or when
> it will launch, though it is expected to be similar to other versions
> of Starter Edition. In its current form, Starter Edition is not sold
> on store shelves, but only as part of low-cost PCs. There are other
> restrictions on the software itself, such as the ability to open only
> a maximum of three programs at a time."
> Talk about "dumbing down" a generation of people...
> This offer is an insult to the Brazilians.

Hi Lobo,

I  once raised that argument, especially when I found out about the  limit
imposed  on  active programs. It is not the *absence* of a feature, but  a
punishment, which is a step too far.

Microsoft  help  discriminate against countries that are less  wealthy.  I
think  it is a shame and a disgrace for a company that is perceived as  an
authority  (let alone a "monopoly") and thus has a a certain responsibili-
ty. What's next? MacDonald's in Brazil selling chicken skins? Imagine that
outrage.  Mind you, software is duplicable, so it wouldn't have been  hard
to  provide something decent without a practicality penalty. I would  urge
anyone  in Brazil use Vista as an excuse to switch over friends and  rela-
tives. Those who resist to change will need what you call an "excuse". On-
ly  later will they understand (for themselves) that GNU/Linux is a better

Best wishes,


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