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Re: Is Google on glue again

__/ [ canadafred ] on Monday 13 March 2006 12:16 \__

> What's with their logo today?
> Are they trying to be metaphorical?
> This is driving me nuts. I'm sure it means something. Can someone please
> enlighten me?

If you press it, you will be redirected to Google Mars (much like the lunar
maps called Google Moon). I had posted about it in alt.www.webamster before
Google changed their logo. The scoop appeared in CNET initially. It's
intersting that when Google Chat was introduced, rather than getting a 404
you could see they were 'cooking' something. So, rumours had revolved even
before the URL was unveiled, which spoiled the element of surprise. Blogs
ruined the ability to stealthily introduce new stuff, which mainstream media
was always slow to pick on.

Anyhoo, 'nuff said.



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