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Re: India Seeks Open Source

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

They are doing a /lot/ of work on SuSE as far as I know. In tandem, they also
do a lot of work on Windows.  They do a lot of everything, which I think is
fair enough. Even Apple opened a call center in India last week.

I dunno. "Doing work" doesn't mean just writing c# applications. Are they making kernel contributions? Are they generating new open source apps to share with the world?

Look at the bright side, John. Development where cost is low appeals for a
larger market. Imagine a scenario where pirated Windows in China reaches its
end. As in the case of search engines (the "battele for China"), suddenly
you have a huge volume and market share, all attributed to a single country.
The global trends are reset accordingly.

That whole paradigm has been completely destroyed. Outsourcing is being trounced by in sourcing. And offshoring by onshoring.

Reason? People have finally realized that software developing is a cultural process tightly coupled to the business model. It is probably the one thing that *shouldn't* be done outside a business?!?

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